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Other Haldimand County Fire Stations
The Dunnville Fire Fighters operate out of Haldimand County Station #9 which is one of the busiest stations in the municipality. Responding to approximately 300 calls a year , we are always available to assist those in need during times of emergencies.

Even though the Dunnville fire station has 5 apparatus that are always ready to respond to handle any situation, we are not alone. Haldimand County currently has 10 other fire stations, each covering their own unique areas of the county, and providing assistance to not only their own communities, but also assisting at times to other areas as well.

Out of these combined 11 fire stations, the county has more than 274 volunteer firefighters invested to serve the municipality, operating 40 fire apparatus from these 11 stations. This makes us one of the largest volunteer fire departments in Ontario. Here is a look at the other Haldimand County Stations:
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