The Brotherhood of Station #9
There is no true definition of Brotherhood in the fire service. It is something that words cannot describe. Its true meaning can only be experienced, it can only be shared, but it is vital to the survival of all fire fighters throughout the world. Without it, we couldn't do our jobs, we would be unable to balance our home lives, and we would be unable to cope with everything that is seen through the eyes of a firefighter.
Perhaps the best way to describe Brotherhood, is to think of family. What does family mean to you? If you have siblings, there's been times where you probably wanted to kill them, but the flip side of the coin, you would absolutely kill for them.
There is a real and practical need for Brotherhood within the unique culture of the fire service. We operate in extremely volatile and dangerous environments. It is not being overly dramatic to say that we make decisions that may mean the difference between life and death for our coworkers and for ourselves. The job requires that we go where it is inadvisable to go and to do what many people would consider foolhardy.
Such a heavy responsibility necessitates that words take on special meanings. They cannot be spoken, they must be lived. There must be a bond between team members if we are to succeed at our tasks, and to return home to our loved ones safely. We must be able to count on our team members and place our well-being in their hands. "Duty, "Honor" and "Trust" must be more than just words. They become a part of life in the fire service.
The "Brotherhood of Firefighters" is a feeling you can't explain. Its something thats in your heart and soul. Its the love of a job and the people who make it up, and for all of us, its a part of our life.